1 Department of General Management & Strategy, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
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This study examines the influence of transformational leadership on constructive deviance (CD) by examining two potential mediating variables: perceived organisational support (POS) and knowledge-sharing behaviour. The findings provide vital empirical evidence supporting a strong positive impact on CD in employees. The mediatory effect of POS and knowledge-sharing behaviour on the relationship between transformational leaders and CD has also been empirically substantiated by the study. Moreover, the study sheds light on sequential mediation of the POS, knowledge sharing and POS behaviours translating transformational leader–employee interactions into CD. Some of the implications of the study suggestsfocussing on transformational leaders to promote positive behaviours among workforce and encouraging knowledge sharing to increase CD at work. The study will offer valuable insights for organisations seeking to promote positive deviant behaviours and create a supportive and innovative work environment.
Constructive deviance, transformational leadership, perceived organisational support, knowledge sharing, leadership
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