GLIMS Journal of Management Review
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Vibhu Teraiya1, Sooraj Namboodiri2 and Rachita Jayswal3

First Published 5 May 2023.
Article Information Volume 2, Issue 1 March 2023
Corresponding Author:

Vibhu Teriaya, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Karnataka 560076, India

1Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

2MICA, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

3Ganpat University, Kherva, Gujarat, India

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Video ads that tell stories have become a popular method of connecting with viewers and making them feel emotionally invested in a product or a service. Long-form videos, as opposed to shorter types of advertising like TV spots and print advertising, can persuade viewers with a sincere and compelling brand story, creating favourable brand associations. We empirically investigated the impacts of narrative transportation caused through audio-visual storytelling advertising on consumers’ affective, sensory, cognitive, behavioural experiences and brand equity states using structural equation modelling in SPSS Amos 25.0. Our research supports the relationship between ad-elicited narrative transportation and various brand effects. We also evaluated the moderating effect of previous negative online purchase experiences (POPE) on all forms of advertising experience. The impact of high-quality competing advertising on the impressions formed by consumers who have had negative prior experiences and the strategies employed by brands to use negative experiences build positive equity for their brands. Discussions and implications are discussed.


Customer experience, brand equity, storytelling advertising, prior customer experiences, brand perception


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